Saturday, January 31, 2009

before and after of my entryway from the garage...still a bit of a work in progress, but almost done!

Friday, January 30, 2009

25 things about me:
  1. In the past few years, I have learned to like (love might be a more accurate word) Reuben sandwiches, jalapeños, and over-easy eggs. I used to think that all of these things were gross.
  2. I’ve sold books and calendars at Waldenbooks bookstore and the associated calendar kiosk. I worked on the “admissions” staff at Island Oasis water park. I watched little tykes at a church nursery. I was on the housekeeping staff for Hastings College for one day (that was enough). I typed a lot and added up time cards at a doctor’s office. I worked as a para-educator at a middle school and also privately tutored a middle school student. I have worked as a Medical Technologist (aka Lab Chick) at three hospitals.
  3. The bear that I used to sleep with is named Mr. Murray. It is pronounced Mer-ay, not Mer-ee. I slept with him for most of my life. Right now he is on the top shelf of my closet with a 90% amputated leg. The “surgeon” was my little beagle-monster. I think she was jealous of all the snuggle time he got. Her plan worked - she has taken his place and now sleeps in my nook.
  4. I have worked at Nebraska Heart Hospital for almost five years. I love my job and I love my co-workers. I believe that this job is one of the biggest blessings I have received in my life. The family of friends that I have made through NHH has enriched my life more than I can express.
  5. When I was little (maybe 8 or 10 years old) my dad put up a big pole in our front yard. He ran a hose up it. On cold days, he ran the water and made us one giant icicle.
  6. I like to get rid of things. I hate it when things look clutter-y and I only want to own the things that I think are beautiful.
  7. I walk a lot. This is mostly due to Mabel (the beagle) and her never ending energy. My minimum daily walk is 30 minutes. In the summer, it is not unusual for me to walk for 90 minutes or more, each day.
  8. The most beautiful place I have been is Edinburgh, Scotland. I would like to go there again…and also to see more of Scotland.
  9. I still spend time, each week, with friends that I made in middle school. I love them and feel immensely grateful to have them in my life.
  10. I used to be good at skiing. Now I am kind of a chicken.
  11. I am a nester. I like to move because I like to figure out where I am going to put everything and how I am going to arrange the furniture and where to hang the art and what colors to paint the walls and so on and so on. Since I bought my house, I try to curb my urge to move by changing little things here and there and by spending a lot of time thinking about what I would change in other people’s houses, if they were my own.
  12. My most favorite band of all time is NOFX. I have been to three of their shows. Their show in Kansas City, last March, ranks among the best nights of my life.
  13. Someday I am going to build a house. Well, I’m not actually going to nail things together, but you know what I mean. It is going to be modern and have lots of white walls and a Saarinen tulip table and two or three Eames’ rocking chairs.
  14. I recently spent an hour, with Brian, learning about the word “Ma” in Mandarin. Depending on the tone of your voice, it can mean Mother, Horse, Hemp, or To Spend. We also learned to say Hello/How are you, but we're not sure what tone you are supposed to use for that, so we might really be saying something else.
  15. I used to paint a lot. I don’t, very much, anymore. The highlights of my painting career include two Honorable Mention awards from the Grand Island Art in the Park and having someone from NYC buy a piece from a display in a Lincoln bar.
  16. I think I am slowly turning into my mom. Sometimes I make little noises or say things to Mabel that sound just like her.
  17. At my house, it is almost always quiet. I am easily overwhelmed by too much noise. There are moments when I cannot stand to be in a room, car, etc. with the radio or TV on.
  18. I love morning time. I always have.
  19. I love to play board games and cards. I recently learned how to play Tripoley and think it ranks right up there with the best of ‘em. Playing cards with a group of friends/family is one of my absolute favorite things to do.
  20. I read a lot. I average a book every four days. You might wonder how I know this. The answer is that I am a dork and have a spreadsheet to keep track of my reading.
  21. Going to art museums is another of my favorite activities. I love the quiet and all the prettiness.
  22. I am addicted to design, architecture, and personal finance blogs. I spend way too much of my time reading them.
  23. My sister and I became friends when I was a senior (and she was a freshman) in high school. We haven’t lived in the same state as each other for several years, but we call or email each other (or both) 96.2% days of the year.
  24. I want to be a mama to a wiener dog. I had a little foster-weenie named Walter for a few months last fall and he was fabulous. Even though I’d like another dog, I learned through the fostering experience that I am a better mama to one dog than two.
  25. My favorite artist is Wayne Thiebauld and my favorite architect is Phillip Johnson. I like to daydream about living in a Phillip Johnson house with lot’s of Wayne Thiebauld paintings on the walls.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

sometimes things don't change that much - even in 15 years. i am forever grateful for my beautiful group of friends, that i have had since middle school!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

the beautiful awmenah

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

tonight's book club book. liz made an excellent choice.

Monday, January 26, 2009

breakfast or happy face?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

we went out for a yummy/fancy dinner at vincenzo's and then met mom and dave for some drinks....a lovely night.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

(most of) my hot chocolate stash. with the help of coupons - - i managed to get 80 (!) packets of hot chocolate mix for $4. no starbucks for this girl.

Friday, January 23, 2009

i discovered that my friend gina also had these shoes when she was in high school. i thought they were the best thing ever....actually, i still think they're pretty great.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

silly pics with my favorite ian

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

more yummies - obama cupcakes made by mama cindy. i watched the swearing in/speeches/night time festivities with cindy, al, and brad. it was lovely.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

margaret brought some yummy donuts to work. mmm.

Monday, January 19, 2009

tyler and gina made their entrance to their wedding reception by backing the limo right into the reception hall!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

last night: killigans at a VERY CROWDED zoo bar

Saturday, January 17, 2009

my little mabey

Friday, January 16, 2009

christmas shoes #2

Thursday, January 15, 2009

christmas shoes #1

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

pretending it is spring time

Monday, January 12, 2009

standing under a BIG tree on east campus

Sunday, January 11, 2009

amy and pat served us yummy soup in bread bowls for last night's supper club meal. this is me looking through my bread bowl, after dinner. it was a very fun night.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Friday, January 09, 2009

the plant that is taking over brian's house - - watch out or it might eat you

Thursday, January 08, 2009

brooke and megan give adam's 1989 haircut/mullet a big thumbs up!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

nhh lab girls - being silly

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

something new at my house

Monday, January 05, 2009

the adorable pups

Sunday, January 04, 2009

amber, amy, mel, al, brooke - - from our cookie baking day, last month

Saturday, January 03, 2009

some new artwork - from prillie

Friday, January 02, 2009

becky and i spent the first day of the year at the nhh lab

Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy 2009!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!